
Antidoping Sweden has gathered scientific experts and formed the Scientific Antidoping College with the task of gathering and disseminating knowledge about antidoping to both the sports movement and the general public.

Chair: Angelica Lindén Hirschberg (fourth from left), Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Karolinska Institutet, Medical Expert on the Board of Antidoping Sweden.

Vice Chair: Susanna Hedenborg (third from left), Professor of Sports Science, Malmö University, Chair of the Board of the Antidoping Foundation.

Secretary: Jenny Schulze (far right), Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Pharmacology, Head of the Department for Doping Controls at Antidoping Sweden.

Members: Arne Ljungqvist (fifth from right), Professor Emeritus of Pathology, former Chairman of the WADA Medical Committee, Senior Advisor, founder and chairman of Professor Arne Ljungqvist’s Anti-doping Foundation.

Jesper Andreasson (far left), Professor of Sports Science, Linnaeus University.

Anna Qvarfordt (second from left), Doctor of Philosophy in Sports Science, University of Gävle.

Lena Ekström (fifth from left), Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet.

Mats Börjesson (middle), Professor of Cardiology, University of Gothenburg.

Åke Andrén-Sandberg (fourth from right), Professor Emeritus of Surgery.

Fred Nyberg (third from right), Senior Professor of Biological Dependence Research, Uppsala University.

Jan Lexell (second from right), Professor of Rehabilitation Medicine, Lund University, Member of the Antidoping Sweden Dispensation Committee.

Contact info@antidoping.se for questions about the Scientific Antidoping College.