Yes, I’m interested in the course materials

    Healthy choices for individuals and organizations

    The course material developed by Pure For Sure covers doping and public health and consists of two different courses targeted towards an audience from the age of 17.

    What is doping and who needs supplements?

    A course that brings up the overarching questions surrounding the problems with doping and unintentional doping trough supplements, the better alternatives when it comes to eating healthy, and the laws and regulations that apply. The materials consist of digital coursework, short films and discussion and reflection exercises.

    Doping and public health

    A course that goes more into detail about what doping and unintentional doping is, what happens inside your body and your brain when using different substances, how societal ideals shape our views and what rules and regulations apply for both athletes and the general public. The materials consist of digital coursework, short films and discussion and reflection exercises.

    The course consists of:

    • Digital coursework with associated exercises
    • Questions to use as the basis for an open discussion after each chapter

    We were searching for a qualitative education for our coworkers and decided on the one provided by Pure For Sure and the Arne Ljungqvist foundation. We know that doping is a problem, so to address it with sincerity is about being professional and taking responsibility for both the health and security of our members as well as our co-workers.

    Johan Westberg Nordic Culture and Academy Manager at SATS